常见问题 转学生录取


At 杰克逊维尔大学, you are considered a transfer student if you have graduated from high school and have earned at least one 信贷 from a regionally ac信贷ed 大学 or university with the grade of a C or better (no developmental or remedial 课程).

*This does not include students who are dual enrolled or have earned AP, IB or AICE 还在高中的时候就拿到学分. 如果你是一个双重注册的高中生 你将以大一新生的身份申请.

You are not required to have your AA degree before you transfer to 杰克逊维尔大学.


全球网络赌博平台让你更容易在网上申请. 完成JU本科、转学申请.

After I apply, what other application materials are expected for admission?

Please request 官方成绩单 from each 大学 or university you have attended. 请将正式复印件邮寄至大学大道2800号. 北,杰克逊维尔, FL 32211.

如果你在国外上过大学,全球网络赌博平台要求你出具WES (www.韦斯.org)或Silny (www.silny.com对那份成绩单的评价. 请根据课程评估选择课程. 波 Rican schools and The College of the Bahamas are not required to have this evaluation.

  • 如果你 have fewer than 24 transferrable semester hours, official high school transcripts 除了学院和大学的成绩单之外,还需要什么.
  • Fine Arts students are required to be admitted to the 大学 and undergo an audition or portfolio review to be considered for admission into the Fine Arts department.
  • Concealment of previous course work completed at a 大学 or university, whether intentional or not, is cause for cancellation of admission and registration.

I already have my Associate in Arts degree – what does this mean as a JU transfer?

研究生s of a regionally-ac信贷ed 大学 or university who have earned an Associate of Arts (AA) degree or Baccalaureate degree (in the case of a second-degree seeking student) should contact the JU Office of Admission for details about the transfer 大学学分. 在大多数情况下,地区认可的AA或学士学位课程 满足JU的通识教育或核心课程要求.


  • Academic courses completed at institutions which are approved by a regional ac信贷ing agency are acceptable in transfer provided they are comparable to courses offered 在JU完成,成绩为“C”(2).0)或更好. 有等级的班级 在质量分数低于2分的情况下获得“C-”.不接受转帐 信贷.
  • 成绩记录为“P”为及格,“CR”为学分等.,只有当 the previous institution’s registrar provides verification that the work was completed 以“C”开头.0)或更高的成绩. 物理课的转学成绩为“P” 教育活动课. 希望完成课程后转学分的学生 at another institution may be required to provide a copy of the catalog from that 机构,以便对转移学分进行评估. 转移信用 for nursing courses counted toward BSN major requirements must be approved by nursing 教师.
  • Credit may be granted for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation certificates 如果持证人参加了其中一个航空项目. 职业/职业 大学-level courses are not generally accepted as transfer 信贷 at Jacksonville 大学.
  • Any work transferred to 杰克逊维尔大学 will be entered on the JU transcript as hours earned only and will not be used in computation of the grade point average.
  • A maximum of 60 semester hours of transfer 信贷 will be accepted from community 大学. 最多90个学分的转学学分将被接受 4年制大专或大学.
  • The final 30 semester hours toward a bachelor’s degree must be completed at Jacksonville 大学.

When an undergraduate student submits official transcripts and is admitted, the 信贷s 是否可以转到杰克逊维尔大学. 每个研究生项目 主任评估学生在其项目中的转学分.

Limited or provisional 信贷 also may be accepted from specialized or special purpose institutions, including the United States Armed Services, provided the work is applicable to JU undergraduate degree programs and is recommended in appropriate publications 美国教育委员会主席. 请向招生办提供 官方成绩单.


Students are automatically reviewed for an academic merit scholarship from Jacksonville 在大学审核你的申请期间. 转学奖学金 学生每年的学费最高可达17,500美元. 奖学金金额将会确定 通过你大学课程的总累积绩点. 如果少于24 大学 信贷s we would base your scholarship amount off of your high school gpa. Members of Phi Theta Kappa honor society who can provide us with a copy of their certificate.

We also encourage students to complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 在万维网.fafsa.ed.政府(全球网络赌博平台学校的代码是001495).


Once students have been admitted (with official transcripts) and have paid the $500 注册保证金,正式的转学评估报告(TER)被创建. 居奖 信贷 for 大学 or university level classes completed with a C or better (no developmental 或辅导班). 有些课程可以作为选修课而不是 核心或专业要求的学分. 前一所大学必须经过地区认证 让JU考虑授予转学分.


  1. Be on the lookout for an e-mail about subscribing to “our School App” site. 这是 a social networking site for prospective and current JU students and staff. 这将 also be your primary method of finding a roommate, so it is important to join!
  2. 参观校园. 如果你还没有参观过杰克逊维尔大学的美丽 校园, 你可以在网上回复. Within this form, you may also make special requests, such as meeting with a financial 援助顾问,与教授会面或旁听一堂课.
  3. 完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). 全球网络赌博平台学校的校规是 001495. Once our financial aid office has received your FAFSA information, they will 为你创建一个全面的财务计划. 你会收到你的综合成绩单 通过邮寄的经济援助包. 您也可以拨打904-256-7060与他们联系.
  4. 提交500美元的入学保证金. 您可以在您的申请中在线提交付款 门户网站. You may also call us with your 信贷 card number to submit a payment over 电话. 如果你正在使用军事福利,你的存款可能会被免除,如果你 福利为你提供100%的学费覆盖. 请与全球网络赌博平台的VA核对 咨询电话904-256-7638.

What happens after The 招生办公室 has received your tuition deposit?

你会收到 your 杰克逊维尔大学 username and password by e-mail, usually 72小时内. 这将允许您访问:

  • 与学术顾问预约注册课程. 你会收到 an e-mail from the academic advising office, but if you need to contact them at any 时间到了,你可以打电话给他们 904-256-7170 或者发邮件到 advising@sceduc.net.
  • 完成房屋申请. The housing application is available February 1st for students entering in the fall 10月1日为春季入学的学生. 关于住房的问题, 您可以致电904-256-7538联系住宿生活办公室.


  • 完成 免疫形式.
  • Submit official, final transcripts after you have graduated from high school. 如果你 是转校生吗? and have fewer than 24 transferrable 大学 信贷s, we will 还需要一份正式的高中成绩单.
  • Submit your official, final 大学 transcript if you are dual enrolled or if you 是转校生吗?.
  • 提交AP, IB, AICE和CLEP课程的官方考试成绩.
  • 看看你的杰克逊维尔.Edu经常发邮件获取最新信息 迎新、住宿、咨询等.

请求的信息 申请大学